1.72.4 - Scrapyard Shift

Exclusive Salvage Sighting Broadcasts Launched

Scrapwright Recovery Operations now offers a subscription service granting independent contractors first access to derelict ship sightings, complete with transponder data and cargo details. While SRO claims this will improve salvage efficiency, the move comes amid growing concerns over falsified ship registrations and reactor sabotage. Some speculate that opening access to freelancers is a response to an ongoing investigation, though guild officials remain silent.

Transponder Fraud Ring Dismantled

Authorities on Enceladus Station uncovered a crime ring that built replica ships using transponders salvaged from wrecks, allowing them to pass as legitimate vessels. The fraudulent operation exploited salvage laws to conceal ship origins and avoid detection. Investigators acted swiftly, arresting those involved and seizing multiple illegally modified ships. Officials urge salvagers to report suspicious activity to prevent further fraud.

Sabotaged Ships Prompt New Regulations

Several recently registered derelicts at Enceladus Station were found rigged with reactor settings designed to fail - some too cold to start, others set to overheat and explode. To prevent further sabotage, station officials introduced mandatory tuning reviews for all new registrations, ensuring reactor settings are restored to safe defaults before ships are cleared for operation.

Maintenance logs

  • Access to monthly Scrapwright Recovery Operations subscription - a periodic broadcast service aimed at licenced salvage crews, utilizing a vast collection of guild contacts, polar telescope arrays and long-range radars to detect and identify salvage opportunities.
  • Over 20 additional salvage events, ranging from ship variants to ships that you could not previously encounter as derelicts.
  • Five new story-based recovery scenarios when you are salvaging ships.
  • Support for individually named astrogation destinations.
  • Expanded salvage options: you can now pick who you send on the salvage mission.
  • A careful review of drone camera footage revealed that some crew, when instructed to transfer propellant from your ship to a derelict, would not send the supply crate if they suspected the derelict ship would fail to boot up. Several such crates stashed in hidden compartments of the cargo hold were discovered.
  • Sometimes your crew was overzealous when sending propellant to derelicts, sending two crates instead of one that was required.
  • Recovered ships now have their tuning options reset, preventing configurations that would not boot up or straight explode if you tried to take them on a spin.
  • If you witness an explosion of the craft you just salvaged, you will not receive a free identical copy once you get to the Enceladus Prime station.
  • You can encounter two additional unusual formations in the rings.
  • New accessibility option to further reduce flickering of UI elements, most noticeable during a damaged on-board computer event.
  • Added a spotlight to the EVA suit your crew uses.
  • Derelicts you find can now have some complications around them, which makes recovery a bit more challenging.
  • If you don't send the crew to salvage a ship after being prompted to, or you have insufficient propellant, you will have an opportunity to send them again when you approach the derelict later.
  • Locations of Obonto stations and other locations discovered through dialogue will now closely match their preferred placement, including not being too close to one another. This shifts the probabilities of discovery a bit.
  • Better placement for dialogue-obtained astrogation destinations.
  • New salvage-related achievements.
  • The storyteller will now prioritize the derelict stories you haven't seen yet.
  • Added graphical representation of an open channel to all the comms windows.
  • Delivery rate of mass driver ammunition compartments was not actually enforced, allowing ammo-hungry massdrivers to consume much more ammunition than they should be getting.
  • Largest containers for propellant, mass driver ammunition, and nanodrones were not accounted for in the resale value of your ship.
  • Fixed some dialogue presenting a space for a ship name, when the entity didn't have one.
  • Fixed Antonoff Ore Purifier when installed on AT-K225-BB. It tried to scan and process ores extending all the way out to the rear container cradles.
  • During some derelict recovery scenarios, your crew would radio that they were flying back with the ship, but instead set it on autopilot and snuck back on board. This was deemed unsafe, and the crew was reprimanded.
  • When you deny your crew an opportunity to reclaim their family and they angrily leave you, they will now actually leave immediately, instead of flying back on your ship and leaving silently on Enceladus. You will now be able to see them perform EVA to another ship when they do so. If you choose not to acknowledge them leaving, they will still leave.
  • If there is a network communication error with Steam servers, the game will now re-try storing achievements and achievement progress in about 30 seconds, instead of waiting for game restart.
  • Selecting a reply which has a decorator with looping animation caused animation and audio cue for "message being sent" to not play, as it waited for the infinite loop to finish. This could be confused with some of the dialogues not progressing, even once you reached the very end.
  • Additional workaround for a race condition that could occasionally cause the game to crash after returning to Enceladus on some systems.
  • Fixed some type-casting errors which might display some achievement progress wrong.
  • Fixed equations for computing damage resistance when time was slowed down due to adrenaline boost or OMS screen being open. Some of the equations did not take the changed timescale into account, while others took them effectively twice, which caused damage anomalies when the time was not moving at a normal scale - some systems took more damage when OMS was open, for example, while others were almost impervious to all the damage. This caused some cradled hardware configurations to cause continuous damage when they wedged against the ship hull after you opened your OMS screen, and some types of damage were more severe when the game was running in a slower framerate.
  • Decreased achievement related network traffic.
  • Updated translations.


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Version 1.72.4 5 days ago

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